
I support a few organizations that work hard every day to help those in need and make the world a better place.

I occasionally organize fundraising yoga nidra or forest bathing events to raise awareness and collect financial support for these amazing teams and projects.

Be part of the help! Sign up for my newsletter to stay updated about upcoming fundraising events.

Visit their website directly for immediate help. Thank you!

If you are looking for collaboration for a fundraising program, please get in touch with me.

I support a few organizations that work hard every day to help those in need and make the world a better place.

I occasionally organize fundraising yoga nidra or forest bathing events to raise awareness and collect financial support for these amazing teams and projects.

Be part of the help! Sign up for my newsletter to stay updated about upcoming fundraising events.

Visit their website directly for immediate help. Thank you!

If you are looking for collaboration for a fundraising program, please get in touch with me.

Northern Lights Aid

Northern Lights Aid is a grassroots NGO working on improving the life quality of refugees and asylum seekers. Its current activities focus on providing long-term material, educational and community-oriented projects to support the vulnerable residents of the Perigiali Camp in Kavala Greece.

To learn more about the work of Northern Lights Aid, click here

Supporter logo

Save the Children is the leading independent children’s rights organisation. They work to ensure that every child has a future, in Switzerland and around the world. When supporting Save the Children, you support children who are in a crisis situation.

To learn more about the work of Save the Children Switzerland, click here

Thanksgiver logo

ThanksGiver Schweiz Food Bank fights hunger and supports communities and families in need with nutritious food in the Basel area in Switzerland. Their mission also includes preventing food waste with organized food distribution.

To learn more about the work of ThanksGiver Schweiz, click here